Our projects are driven by the desire to support and build community in an effective, collaborative manner. We take on projects that we believe to be important, meaningful, and achievable for our Vincentia community. Where appropriate we work with, and support, local Community Consultative Bodies (CCBS) to achieve positive outcomes for the Vincentia and wider Bay & Basin community.
Compiling the history of our community, people and places helps us to understand who we are and where we have come from and how best to shape our community going forward.
We feel a sense of pride in our past achievements including advocacy and support for the completion of the Vincentia pedestrian/bike pathway around Orion Beach, and..
Orion Beach Pathway
The completion of the final section of the The Round the Bay Walk was a significant victory for us. We lobbied hard to support the construction of the path between Minerva Ave and Plantation Point Parade.